Medical care may be accessed by 访问ing NJIT 健康 Services 由CityMD Urgent Care located in Maple Hall.
纽瓦克NJ 07102
For medical emergencies please dial 911 and state that you are located on the NJIT campus.
St. 迈克尔医疗中心 位于纽瓦克中央大街111号,新泽西07102
大学医院 位于卑尔根街150号,纽瓦克,新泽西07103
While an appointment is not necessary, it is advisable to make one. 你可以通过电话预约 在线预订.
CityMD offers a full range of services for NJIT students, 教职工包括疾病, 受伤, 实验室测试, 接种疫苗, 以及妇女保健服务. 常用服务包括:
- 过敏和哮喘
- 支气管炎
- 咳嗽和感冒
- 新型冠状病毒肺炎
- 割伤和伤口
- 脱水
- 流行性感冒(流感)
- 虫咬
- 头痛
- 轻微烧伤
- 物理考试
- 快速实验室测试 & screenings (including 新型冠状病毒肺炎, STDs, HIV, strep, pregnancy, etc.)
- 鼻窦感染
- 喉咙痛
- 皮肤状况,包括皮疹或刺激
- 扭伤 & 菌株
- 尿路感染(uti)
- 接种疫苗,包括流感
仅限目前在册的申博太阳城学生和教职员工, and staff are eligible to receive medical services at the CityMD Urgent Care Center located in Maple Hall.
There are several options for medical during times when the campus CityMD Urgent Care Center is closed including:
- 虚拟的护理 由CityMD
- 城市医院急救中心位于纽瓦克 宽街617号. 纽瓦克 NJ 07102 (0.距离申博太阳城校园5英里)
- Check your insurance plan to find a local health care provider in the area
For medical emergencies please dial 911 and state that you are located on the NJIT campus.
St. 迈克尔医疗中心 位于纽瓦克中央大街111号,新泽西07102
大学医院 位于卑尔根街150号,纽瓦克,新泽西07103
请浏览 学生缺勤证明 web page to review the process for requesting an excused absence for any cause, including illness.
- 南京理工大学身份证
- 保险身份证
- Co-pay fee - We recommend that you call the member services number on the back of your insurance card to ask about coverage and copayment fees for urgent care 访问s.
是的. We recommend that you call the member services number on the back of your insurance card to ask about coverage and co-payment fees for urgent care 访问s.
In addition to the student and employee health insurance plans offered by NJIT, CityMD接受大多数主要的健康保险计划, 包括安泰, 信诺, 牛津大学, 联合医疗保健和更多. 请浏览 page to view a full list of insurance plans accepted in New Jersey.
不保险的? 您仍然可以通过CityMD访问申博太阳城健康服务. Uninsured rates are available if you do not have access to insurance.
保密是你的首要任务. Your medical information will not be disclosed to anyone without your permission. 请参阅 隐私政策.
如果学生年满18岁, it is their right to first provide consent in order for a parent to be notified of an illness or injury. 在紧急情况下, 如果学生丧失行为能力, 家长将会收到通知, 作为近亲, 或者是大学警察, and/or the health care organization that the student is receiving care from.
Consent to treat from the parent/legal guardian is required for 每一个 访问. The parent / legal guardian should give their permission to treat in a written document. The document should explain that the student is attending NJIT and that the parent is not able to be physically present with the student, that the parent is providing consent for the minor student to receive the care that they are needing, 他们同意的日期, 如有必要,如何联系家长. 如果学生正在寻求免疫接种, the parent must state which immunizations may be administered. 文档可以是电子邮件格式, 文件图片, or fax that the student brings with them at the time of the 访问.
The document must be dated with the same date as the 访问.
The student may also call their parent / guardian at the time of the 访问 and provide a verbal consent.
If you need immediate medical attention, please dial 911 and state that you are on the NJIT campus. 申博太阳城的公共安全和急救人员会响应.
Please contact Gourmet dining at (973) 596-3053 and contact by email: gds@willowsgolfresort.com
是的, when 访问ing the NJIT 健康 Services 由CityMD Urgent Care, please provide all the details of your medical conditions.
NJIT 健康 Services 由CityMD Urgent Care does provide Travel immunizations. You can also the nearest Passport 健康 by logging onto http://www.passporthealthusa.com
并非所有的旅行免疫都包括在内. Please contact your insurance carrier directly for verification.
向学生健康服务中心发送电子邮件请求: healthservices@willowsgolfresort.com. 请提供您的全名, 学生证号码(8位), 一年毕业, 你想让我们把你的记录发邮件或传真到哪里, 以及你要求的记录类型.
All full-time graduate students (9 credits or more) and full-time undergraduate students (12 credits or more) are automatically enrolled in the United 健康 Care Insurance Plan once a year. Students enrolling for the fall semester will be charged from August 21st until August 20th of the following year. Students enrolling for the spring semester will be charged from January 16th until August 20th.
请浏览 财务主管办公室 了解更多信息. If you have further questions regarding this process or waiver eligibility, please email healthinsurance@willowsgolfresort.com 或致电973-596-2877财务长办公室.